Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fat ass accountability

     So lets just get into this. I REALLY need to start holding my fat ass accountable. Over the past year I have managed to undo all the incredibly hard work I did to get my butt in shape after having my daughter 3 years ago. My body and I...we had a good run. I kept the 80 pounds off for a year and a half. I was determined, I was dedicated, I was focused! I woke up and went to sleep thinking about calorie consumption, weight loss, muscles, running, and eating well. Aside from my family, it was my biggest priority. And you know what, I totally kicked ass at it. Not going to lie, my mind set was probably unhealthy and I clearly remember being in this mind set of once I lose such and such pounds Ill be happy, or once i get to such and such weight Life can begin again.  Because that's what it was like, like life was on hold until I made it to this certain number on the scale. I made it down to 160 (for me this was amazing) and I even glimpsed 159 and 158 on my scale (dehydration does that), but over the past year I've managed to throw all of that out of the window.
     I could sit hear and explain all the reasons why the weight gain isn't my fault...I do have some good and valid reasons, but lets be honest, it was partly my fault. Truth be told, I severely scaled back my running, I started drinking ridiculous amounts of soda, and I basically gave up on myself.
     So now that I said it, its time to get my ass back in gear and hold myself accountable. This time around there isn't a number and I refuse to allow myself to place that burden on me. But Im not comfortable in this body so its time to stake my claim. Instead of burdening my friends on Facebook with tons of updates about my workouts and weight loss endeavors (we all know everyone finds those obnoxious), I will instead burden any unfortunate soul that manages to waste a few minutes of their day perusing my blog. Every week Im going to post an accountability blog post detailing my workouts and any weight gain or loss. I hope this will help keep me accountable and motivated and if there is anyone out there reading this that wants to share and keep themselves accountable, by all means please do!
     Heres to getting our shit together...together!

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