So here's where I need to let you know: 
     This blog expresses my thoughts and beliefs. It is not a reflection of the thoughts or beliefs of my husband, children, family members, friends, or work place and any other related entities (that sounds legit right?).
     I maintain this blog on my personal time and anything I post is simply a reflection of my own thoughts, opinions, and preferences and should not be interpreted to represent the thoughts, opinions or views of anyone other than myself specifically.
     That being said this is also a forewarning that I occasionally partake in the use of foul language and discuss topics that are probably not appropriate for younger audiences or for those prudish, stuffy, up-tight types. Some things I may write about could be interpreted as crude, obnoxious, or generally disagreeable.  While I don't aim to offend anyone, I am fairly honest and straight-forward about my thoughts and this blog is an outlet for some of those thoughts. In all honesty, there are times when I have probably offended even myself. Take it with a grain of salt (what the heck is that supposed to mean anyways?), share your own thoughts through the comments, enjoy it or be offended.  If you are of the later portion you can alleviate this by simply clicking on the tiny 'x' box in your upper right-hand corner. 
You're welcome,

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