Friday, February 21, 2014

Tattle Tell Tuesdays an intro.

     So in my personal mission to hold myself accountable in trying to lose some of this weight ive gained, Ive decided that Tuesdays will now be tattle tell tuesdays! So on Tuesdays I plan to post about the previous week including workouts /i did...or didnt do and being honest about how ive been eating. Basically its going to be a weekly post of the good, the bad, and the ugly of my weight loss journey.
     For me, Im hoping this accountability will help me stay focused and motivated. Im not sure that there is anyone out there who even reads my blog, but if there is someone out there that does and wants to share some comments for tattle tell tuesday then please by all means do so!
     Ive considered being super dooper honest and even posting the dreaded know, my weight...but to be truthful, Im just not quite there yet. I will do this my adult life the most ive weighed is 240 pounds. It was not pretty folks, not at all! After I kicked my ass and became incredibly focused on getting healthy, I made it down to 160 pounds. My ultimate goal was 150 pounds though those bmi and health chart things always suggested that I would still be considered overweight until I made it down to 140 pounds. Personally I dont put too much stock in those charts...but to each their own. Im trying to be patient with myself right now and Im finding that being patient is incredibly difficult. But isnt that the game with weight loss?  It certainly plays a big role in why so many people quit trying after just a short time.  Weightloss not only requires discipline and exertion when it comes to working out and making healthy choices, but it also requires one to be very honest with oneself and extremely patient. Tenacity...thats the word for it.
     Heres wishing whomever may be reading this a healthy weekend. And heres to reminding myself that small choices lead to big changes....over a long period of time.

Goal for this weekend: two workouts, healthy food choices.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fat ass accountability

     So lets just get into this. I REALLY need to start holding my fat ass accountable. Over the past year I have managed to undo all the incredibly hard work I did to get my butt in shape after having my daughter 3 years ago. My body and I...we had a good run. I kept the 80 pounds off for a year and a half. I was determined, I was dedicated, I was focused! I woke up and went to sleep thinking about calorie consumption, weight loss, muscles, running, and eating well. Aside from my family, it was my biggest priority. And you know what, I totally kicked ass at it. Not going to lie, my mind set was probably unhealthy and I clearly remember being in this mind set of once I lose such and such pounds Ill be happy, or once i get to such and such weight Life can begin again.  Because that's what it was like, like life was on hold until I made it to this certain number on the scale. I made it down to 160 (for me this was amazing) and I even glimpsed 159 and 158 on my scale (dehydration does that), but over the past year I've managed to throw all of that out of the window.
     I could sit hear and explain all the reasons why the weight gain isn't my fault...I do have some good and valid reasons, but lets be honest, it was partly my fault. Truth be told, I severely scaled back my running, I started drinking ridiculous amounts of soda, and I basically gave up on myself.
     So now that I said it, its time to get my ass back in gear and hold myself accountable. This time around there isn't a number and I refuse to allow myself to place that burden on me. But Im not comfortable in this body so its time to stake my claim. Instead of burdening my friends on Facebook with tons of updates about my workouts and weight loss endeavors (we all know everyone finds those obnoxious), I will instead burden any unfortunate soul that manages to waste a few minutes of their day perusing my blog. Every week Im going to post an accountability blog post detailing my workouts and any weight gain or loss. I hope this will help keep me accountable and motivated and if there is anyone out there reading this that wants to share and keep themselves accountable, by all means please do!
     Heres to getting our shit together...together!

Training till your eyes bleed..

     Don't mind my over dramatic blog title...
The past month and a half has been a blur. I basically feel like I've checked out of life and checked into an exhaustive weird, pseudo-realm of staring at a computer screen and an old school projector displaying mundane PowerPoint slides hour after hour, day after day. It's like a never-ending, training nightmare! I get the point of it all, but they really should break this training up more somehow. three and a half months of this, not to mention all the driving back and forth is just OVERLOAD.
     To top that off I miss my family. When I'm home I'm overwhelmed with having the house clean to my standards and getting all the work done that I'm not able to get done while I'm in training and it's all just quite frankly becoming beginning to feel like AGHHHHHHH. You know, like that barely hanging on kinda feeling. Yeh, my OCD self does not do good with that feeling. Not at all!
     The one thing that has made this so much more bearable and quite frankly-probably the only thing keeping me sane is the fact that I have some awesome training classmates. There are a few that are not so awesome but who needs un-awesome people in their lives anyhow right?! I'm already bummed out thinking about not being able to work along side these people.

     Here's a few pictures of the shenanigans that ensue during training breaks and activities and some of the coolest people to ever hit the Texas state payroll!

Heres my Grace love. My first friend in training...and let me tell you, she loves her oatmeal cream pies!
My Ronnie photographing a scene

 So we were learning about photographing and documenting bruises and injuries...I totally hooked Meaggers belly up with a nice bruise from baby Kensli trying to get out!
 I miss my babies while Im away at training...Skype is a God send!
 So row three...yeah we kinda keep it rocking back there.
 And here is our Kelsie showing us how to work hard...
 And Lizzett photographing a nice shiner on Billy.

not gonna lie, I was pretty proud of the bruises I put on my girls!