Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A busy October

     October was crazy. And, I'm glad it's over. That being said, my little doll Miss Emme turned 3! Birthday party plans went completely ka-put for her but it all ended up working out. We had lots of family here, our closest friends, and Emme doll was spoiled all weekend long. Quite honestly, it made me wonder what the heck I'm supposed to get her for Christmas.
     Shortly after Emme doll's birthday I graduated with my BA in Behavioral Science. Man, it was a long road and took me way longer than I had envisioned but it's done and TOOT, TOOT (that's my horn blowing), I graduated with honors as a Magna Cum Laude with a 3.89 gpa. So, the plan was to stay home with Emme doll after graduating until she enters school. In the meantime I was going to do my Master's degree and then start working. But, life is expensive and it's always been hard for me to be a stay at home mom and not work or go to school so the job hunt has ensued.
     I hate job hunting. I hate job hunting in a town like this one which makes work opportunities very limited. I don't like job hunting...but I think I mentioned that. Anyhow, the hunt for a career worthy job that makes it even worth putting Emme in full time child care has proved elusive thus far.
     October also included all the events I had coordinated for the stables. Good gracious those events make me really grateful that October is over. They all went well and had a good turn out but by the time I got through them I wanted nothing to do with Halloween festivities and felt I'd cheated my own kiddos out of some of the general Halloween fun because I was too busy being a crazed event coordinator for a "job" that doesn't even pay. I am so glad October is over!
     We wrapped October up by celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary which was spent with Dustin working and then at our sons school performance in the evening. No cards, no flowers, no gifts because we are broke...or at least, I feel broke. My financial anxiety always mounts this time of year because we have to manage to get through both kiddo's birthdays, halloween candy (that shit is expensive!) and costumes our anniversary, the costs of thanksgiving day, before we can even begin thinking about putting gifts under the Christmas tree!
     Anyhow, I'm really glad October is over. Not sure if I relayed that thought clearly.
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