Monday, November 18, 2013

Stop making it so difficult to stuff my face Starbursts!

     So this may be obnoxiously random but as I was finger picking through my kiddo's left over Halloween goodies and collecting all of the Starburst candy-I came to the realization that those Starburst candy making people are assholes! Of my total candy consuming time, I spent far more time unwrapping each of the fruity, juicy candies than I did in actually delighting in their chewy-sweet goodness.  There HAS to be an easier way people!! Why must each piece be individually wrapped? Couldn't they just stack the tasty, blocky goodness in the foilized (yeah, I made that word up) wrapper and call it good? Does anyone else ever stab the skin under their finger nails when they try to pry back the waxy wrappers on these bad boys? I can not be the only one that has done this....several times. Shouldn't this be a health and safety concern?

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