Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Old-Sweater Friend-an open letter.

Dear old-sweater friend,
     Why can't we just do what is best for ourselves without it having to be hurtful to someone else?  Being nice and letting it go over and over again is beyond frustrating. I never signed up to be your scapegoat. I never asked to assuage the constant weight of your animosity and internal issues. It's okay, we all have issues of some sort. I could list and categorize my own.  Spend your time trying to work yours out instead of wasting time packaging them up with defensive body language, wrapped in angry words, and thrown with hostile one-liners. You keep walking away from me, leaving all this crumpled-up, stained and torn, dirty laundry at my feet, in piles. You never come back to collect it. You never wash it, fold it, and place it neatly in a box for donating. You never pick it up and throw it away. You just keep leaving it piled up and walk away.

      It's okay for me to care about you-I considered you a friend after all, but it's not okay for you to expect me to continue to accept and subject myself to your own insecurities and uncertainties. All the negativity you
assign to others only turns into a projection of the self you keep trying to bury yourself under, to cover-up, to disguise and hide away from yourself. You're hostile and angry but I don't believe it's others that make you feel this way. Maybe you're angry with yourself for feeling this way. Maybe you're disappointed because you know the truth but don't know how to fix it. Maybe you think if you pull at one thread, you'll become completely unraveled. And maybe you're right. And maybe, just maybe it's time to change that sweater that you've cuddled yourself in for so long. Maybe it's time for a change.  
     I care about you, but I never liked doing laundry, and I don't want to borrow your sweater.

                                                                                                   photo extraordinary-sig_zpsccc9beb5.jpg

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