Sunday, June 29, 2014

hold on

     Life is still crazy. Maybe when you become a career mom, life doesn't settle down until retirement? Or maybe it's just this job. The 60 hour work weeks have really taken a hit on my desire to do anything outside of my house. Let's be honest, I'm doing what I can to keep my house clean and give what little of myself I have left to my kiddos. I'm still hopeful that at some point I'm going to get myself together again.
     In the meantime I think I may finally be getting back on track with my health. It's been a roller coaster over the past 8 or so months. I had a doctor's appointment this past week and hopefully this new direction will help me get myself back to being me. I've had my husbands support all the way but somehow in the mean time one of my closest friendships over the past two years has dissipated. I've given it a good second try but just sort of felt like all I got out of it was a headache and walked away not really knowing what I had said sorry for. When you follow that up with digs regarding my sons accomplishments and other nonsense, I'm just not sure that its worth the emotional toil of trying to restore this friendship. Not that I no longer care, but how difficult should it be to maintain a friendship?
     After seeing my doctor this week though, I feel like maybe this will be the fix that I'm hoping for. And just that little bit of hope is encouraging me to keep trying. Hey anything you can hold onto right?